Friday, May 28, 2010

mmmm... sounds a little supremacist?

the others

'The shock of recognition! In an electric information environment, minority groups can no longer be contained - ignored. Too many people know too much about each other. Our new environment compels commitment and participation. We have become irrevocably involved with, and responsible for, each other."

-Marshall McCluan The Medium is the Message

although our environment 'compels commitment and participation' i don't exactly feel that this participation is encouraged by our institutions in minority groups. this paragraph here seems to encourage that Canadian sense of multiculturalism that ghettoizes and essentializes the hybrid state of our current society. As the electrical age has moved into the technological and now the hyperreal, the myths fabricated by imperialism continue to threaten our understanding of cultures that have been positioned in which to be 'othered.' what we know about 'these' cultures is filtered through a western understanding of academia and eurocentric cerebral pollution. Our museums, schools and electric media often deliver a disneyified description of such cultures, bypassing subjugation and genocide. and what about the idea of being 'othered'? how do we balance that? is it better to separate or integrate? i guess that depends on the kind of integration. integration into to the 'Canadian' society is based in imperialism and is just a form of assimilation. it is the Canadian society that needs to be deconstructed and repositioned in order to reflect and promote the various and distinct values of the many diverse indigenous communities that make up this continent.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

we ARE wild?

I curated a show that is opening tomorrow. it features recent photo graduates and their work concerning our detachment and developing manipulation of the wilderness.

For all those who believe polyvinyl chloride and the great outdoors were meant to be...

Monday, May 17, 2010


Are first worlders anti-children or anti-polar bears

i heart the pinky show.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

My New Favorite

Micah Lidberg: The Migration

Angry Cloud -detail

thanks kristi!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


i have no idea what's going on.