Sunday, April 25, 2010

waxen jargon

maybe it's time to forget 'postmodernism.' maybe people need to get over the white designed train wreck they call the individual. the individual is just the modern subject broken apart and put back together using tabloid cut outs and electrical tape. i understand the need for the subjective perspective, but an emphasis on the postmodern leaves the margins continually reduced and expropriated. museums and galleries continue to include rather than integrate. this forms the basis of their mandate. embracing instead of restructuring. these institutions maintain the white standard. decontextualize. recontextualize. monopolize. pursuing the interests of their corporate do-gooders. we need hybridization. not just in the object, but in the framing space. without the frame the object is invisible. this is pretentious but fuck it.

dear blog,

i think the blow jobs are getting better.

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